Listen, Process, & Respond – Bible Journal Process

We are so quick to do so many things in our culture….except for listen. I know I am certainly not quick to listen, especially to those that I know have a different opinion or view from me. It’s so much more comfortable staying in our own echo chamber, right? But, that isn’t what God calls us to do.

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

James 1:19-20

This is certainly something that can be really difficult to maintain in our hair trigger culture, but certainly something worth focusing on and developing! I enjoyed journaling through Day 7 of “True North” which focused on this verse primarily. It is so interesting to me how different people can interpret different verses of the Bible. Perhaps that is one of the lessons to take away from this particular verse. It is of so much value to listen to different interpretations and then pray and process what you feel that God is speaking to you.

For this devotional, all of my art entries have been on watercolor paper, and I am loving working on this thicker paper. It does ink up differently than my Bible paper, so there has been a little bit of a learning curve. This page involved both ink blending and stamping. A few of the images were a visual interpretation of what I had learned in studying the verse, while others were just beautiful. Isn’t that how it always goes with Bible journaling? Not everything has to be a literal interpretation. Some images are just soothing, some spark our interest, and others are inspiring!

This turned out to be a pretty simple entry, and I am pleased with the result. I hope you enjoy it as well, and that you take away a few things to consider!

Keep it creative,

-The Scrappy Wife

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