Sabbath Rest – Bible Journal Process

2020 has been a year when all our natural or carefully placed boundaries have just fallen by the wayside. Many of us have been working from home instead of heading to the office. If you have kids, you most likely have also turned your home into a school for significant portions of this year. Even church is happening in your living room! And, if you are a natural introvert like me, you are hyper aware that your “people” have been safe (or stuck) at home with you 24/7. All our boundaries have tumbled down.

While some have found this COVID season extremely boring or a nice respite from the normal schedule, it has been absolutely exhausting at my house. I have ended up working all hours of the night and day, just trying to get typical things done. While I used to set aside time to rest, that has completely evaporated. So, I was so pleased when a recent church sermon was all about re-establishing Sabbath rest.

Sabbath rest is all about resting in God, not just resting in general. When we rest in God, we are renewed in a way that we can not imagine. Stresses and worries melt away, because we are not trying to please the world, we are focusing on our Creator. I love this quote from A.W. Tozer:

“Jesus calls us to his rest, and meekness is His method. The meek man cares not at all who is greater than he, for he has long ago decided that the esteem of the world is not worth the effort.”

A.W. Tozer, “The Pursuit of God”

I decided to journal this quote and these sentiments in the book of Mark, in a lovely passage directly before the feeding of the 5000. The disciples are returning to Jesus after having been sent on a mission. They tell him of their accomplishments and instead of praising them, he invites them into a time of rest. We all have to rest and replenish so that we can serve again!

I have spent much of the past few weeks really focused on my new love of all things planning, so my scrapbook supplies were feeling just a bit neglected. I was very happy to pull out a recent kit from Felicity Jane, the “Tori” collection. I used some of the beautiful papers, die cut pieces, alpha stickers, and other bits and bobs to put together this page. It came together pretty easily, and it was nice to have these options that I already knew coordinated so beautifully! You can check out the process in the YouTube link above!

Keep it creative,

-The Scrappy Wife

Supplies: (Some of these are affiliate links…thanks in advance for supporting my channel!)